Homemade Exfoliant & Cellulite Treatment
/I recently stumbled upon this homemade exfoliant and cellulite remedy. And since I am, very unfortunately, genetically inclined to get cellulite – I wanted to give it a shot. I’ve only used it once so far, so no feedback yet if it actually reduces the visibility of cellulite. BUT I do know that it’s simple, free, and leaves your skin feeling amazing.
You Will Need:
-A few tablespoons of ground coffee beans (do not use decaf)
-A tablespoon or so of honey
-Two dashes of Olive Oil
-A teaspoon of Cinnamon
-A small dash of Salt
Tip: I used the coffee grounds that I made my morning coffee with…No need to be wasteful!
Directions: Combine ingredients together in bowl, mix well. Use while in shower, massage onto skin focusing on thighs and buttocks. May be used on entire body, but would not recommend using it on your face. Rinse well.
How it works: The caffeine in the coffee is said to tighten the skin, while the grounds promote circulation. The honey disinfects, the oil naturally moisturizes the skin, and the cinnamon draws blood to the surface, which also helps with circulation.
I will use this product 3 times per week for the next two weeks and report back whether it helps reduce the appearance of cellulite.