Thursday Truths: Your Worth Doesn't Change
/Several years ago, I joined a fancy gym for a few months— the childcare was amazing and the group classes were worth every penny.
I remember pulling into that parking garage in my old, scratched up SUV. Looking around at all the Mercedes and Lexus’, I’d jokingly sing, “One of these things is not like the other” 🎼 Sesame Street, anyone?
I sheepishly made my way into the dressing room rocking my Walmart workout clothes, surrounded by tall, beautiful women wearing Lululemon.
And as much as I loved that gym, there was a voice that echoed inside of me that said I didn’t belong.
I looked in the mirror and still saw a poor girl who grew up on food stamps and shopped at Good Will. And I felt small. I felt inferior. I was not worthy. I did not fit in.
Sometimes even when our circumstances change, the narrative in our head tells us the same old story.
You don’t fit in.
You don’t belong.
You are not worthy.
You are not wanted.
You’ll never be good enough.
The enemy whispers lie after lie and we all too easily believe him, until suddenly there is no distinction between his voice and our own.
Our worth is not found in our appearance, our social status, what kind of car we drive, how much money is in our bank account, or how successful we are. Our worth comes from the one who paid it all for us.
Our value doesn’t go up or down: it’s constant. Never-changing.
So whenever those lies pop into our head making us feel rejected, inferior, and less than— we replace them with the truth.
“We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ.”
2 Corinthians 10:4-5 [The Message]
The truth sets us free. So we can change the narrative and be apart of the story God is writing over our lives.
Because that’s a story worth telling. ✨
Worship song of the day: “Holy Ground” by Passion
From my heart to yours,