Thursday Truths: We May Not Be Qualified-- But HE is
/A few years ago I was preparing to speak at my church for the first time. The week leading up to that Sunday, anxiety began to creep into my heart & mind.
I had every excuse in the world to cancel: my kids were sick, we were in the middle of moving, and I hadn’t had much sleep.
But the real reason I wanted to cancel was because I felt so unqualified and inadequate in every way possible.
And the truth is: I was.
We may not be qualified—But He is. The one who sends us is more than qualified and more than enough. And He sent His spirit to LIVE in US. So rather than putting my faith in my own abilities, I put my faith in HIM. And He gave me the strength to push past my fears & insecurities and show up that Sunday.
It’s not about us. It’s not about our qualifications, our abilities, our education, our gifts, our strength or lack thereof— it’s all about HIM. Apart from Him we can do nothing.
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” -John 15:15
And in the wise words of Christine Caine, “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.”
So the question I have for you is simple. Is there something, big or small, that He has called you to do that you’ve resisted out of fear & insecurity?
Worship song of the day: “You make me brave” By Bethel Music