On Body Shame and Living Loved

On Body Shame and Living Loved

I stared down at the picture and a wave of shame washed over me. How pathetic. 

I had been scrolling through the camera roll on my iphone, looking at old photos of the girls when they were babies. Ya know, that thing where you can’t wait until it’s their bedtime, but then you miss them so you look at pictures of them on your phone? It was that. But as I innocently scrolled through my photos, I saw another old photo.

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Finding Peace in The Chaos

Finding Peace in The Chaos

For as long as I could remember, time had always felt so scarce to me. Like I would never have enough time to do and accomplish all that I wanted to do and accomplish. Especially in this beautiful but exhausting season of mothering my small children. The constant wiping of butts and faces and cleaning messes and someone always needing something. Time felt like a luxury I simply could not afford, and so I had to borrow and steal it again and again.

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Follow the Breadcrumbs

Follow the Breadcrumbs

Do you ever feel like you just want to have your life all figured out? Know exactly how to get from point A to point B, and have a clear & direct path to follow? To know exactly where the path you’re on leads?

While I cherish adventure and moments of spontaneity, I typically love having a plan. I love to have clear direction and know exactly where I’m headed.

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Bloom Where You Are Planted

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Let’s set the scene, shall we? We zoom in to a young, ambitious, twenty-something with stars in her eyes and great hope for her future — but slowly, as we zoom out, we see her empty expression and see that she is confined in a small, dark cubicle. Wasting away on spreadsheet after spreadsheet. Desperate for something that gave her life, something that utilized her gifts and creativity. She sat there, day after day, wishing away her current reality and ready to move on to bigger, better things.

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What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do

What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do

There I stood, almost a year ago now, staring out at the pacific ocean and crying out to God, “Lord, just show me the way. Tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” It was like I was standing at a crossroads, wondering which direction to take. I didn’t know what the right decision was. I didn’t know which path to go down. I didn’t know what to do.

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