Follow the Breadcrumbs
/Do you ever feel like you just want to have your life all figured out? Know exactly how to get from point A to point B, and have a clear & direct path to follow? To know exactly where the path you’re on leads?
While I cherish adventure and moments of spontaneity, I typically love having a plan. I love to have clear direction and know exactly where I’m headed.
But this last year and a half has been such a wild adventure with the Lord, with me often having to trust Him to give me insight and clarity with each step I take. So many amazing moments where God has spoken to me and through me, and encouraged me through prophetic words spoken over me. I am so grateful for that, and that He has given me more insight into the call and plan He has for my life. However, if I’m honest, it can also create this internal pressure to “make it all happen.” Especially feeling so far from those words that are spoken, and feeling like it’s somehow up to me to figure it out.
Last week my spirit was a bit restless as I marinated on words spoken over me this last year. I trust Him so much, and yet I also just want to have everything figured out and know exactly where He’s leading me. I went to bed one night with my thoughts spinning and my heart longing for clarity. I was seeking Him and praying through it, but still felt a bit restless as I went to bed.
And then that night I had such a beautiful dream, a dream that encouraged my heart so much. In the dream I encountered God, and He spoke to me and said, “You don’t have to have it all figured out, you just need to keep following the breadcrumbs.”
That was it. That’s all He said, but it was exactly what I needed to hear. Gah, He’s so good!
I woke up feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit so much, feeling peace rush over me. I just need to keep following the breadcrumbs. It’s not up to me to figure it all out. I will certainly play my part, but it’s not on me. God’s got this. We’re in this together. The weight and pressure is lifted off of me when I remember it’s all in partnership with HIM. I don’t need to have all the answers or even know the destination, and what a beautiful gift that is. How freeing.
I don’t need to live in fear of getting it wrong or going off-track, because He is faithful to gently pull me back in the right direction and work it all together for good. I can walk in complete trust and complete peace. I don’t need to know where it all leads, because I know that He is a good father. He won’t lead me astray.
God is always laying out breadcrumbs, and we just need to keep following Him and keep trusting that He will continue to lay them out for us. He won’t abandon us. We don’t need to stress or strive, we just simply follow the breadcrumbs.
This was such an important reminder and encouragement to me that day. It’s such a simple concept, and yet if we actually believe it, it can bring us so much peace. And so, I wanted to share because I felt like someone somewhere needed to hear it too.
Keep following Him. He is Faithful. He is trustworthy. He is who He says He is. He will do what He says He will do.
Just keep following the breadcrumbs.