What To Do When You Don't Know What To Do
/There I stood, almost a year ago now, staring out at the pacific ocean and crying out to God, “Lord, just show me the way. Tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” It was like I was standing at a crossroads, wondering which direction to take. I didn’t know what the right decision was. I didn’t know which path to go down. I didn’t know what to do.
I prayed for clarity. Of course the easiest answer would be a specific and clear “yes” or “no” answer, but God wasn’t giving me a direct response. And instead of revealing to me which way to go, He reminded me, through scripture & wise counsel, what to do when you don’t know what to do. What to do when you are in a season of waiting on God. When you are waiting for an answer. When you are waiting for clarity. Waiting for guidance on a big life decision. Or maybe you are waiting on a spouse, a child, a job, a home, or waiting to finally be healed. Whatever it is, God gently reminds us what to do and what His will for that moment is. No matter the circumstance.
So if you are in a season where you are crying out to God for answers, here are five reminders of God’s will and steps you can take today.
Love Him & Love others. We know that God’s will & desire for us, simply put, is to Love Him & Love others [Matthew 22:37]. It is so easy to get stuck in our heads & overcomplicate this, letting our mind & thoughts spiral out of control, creating anxiety in us. But if you are loving God with your whole heart & loving others as you love yourself, then you are living out God’s will for your life. Don’t be so consumed with figuring out which path to take that you forget to put your whole heart into these two commandments.
“Rejoice always, pray continually, and give thanks in all circumstances” [1 Thessalonians 5:16-18]. Scripture tells us that this is God’s will for us every situation. If you’re asking God for clarity and not getting a direct answer, this is one clear picture of what you can do, today. If we can be people who actually practice this, not just in theory, but in actuality, we set ourselves up to receive all that God has for us. Of course, It can be so hard to live this out, especially in dark times — but our Joy is found in the Lord and we can rejoice in Him. If you are in a season where you feel like you have nothing to be thankful for, just look around you and give thanks for every little thing. Start even with giving thanks for the breath in your lungs and the shoes on your feet. Let’s be Christ followers who are well-versed in the art of gratitude, not just when things go our way.
Live out what trust looks like. In my situation, God’s plan was being carefully orchestrated & executed all around me, even though I couldn’t see it. He needed me to trust Him and trust the process. And rather than just say “trust me,” He revealed to me what trust looks like in action. And what that looks like is praying, rejoicing, and giving thanks for all He has done and all He is about to do (as discussed above). What trust does not look like is wandering around anxiously, fearful, and full of doubt that God will keep His promises. If you want to trust Him but are struggling with doubt and fear, worship is a great way to create space in your mind & heart for the peace of the spirit.
Be proactive. He will reveal the plans He has for you, but He also wants us to be proactive. God does not want us to sit idly by, twiddling our thumbs. We often just want to give over all control, but God has given us the power of self-control. You can be proactive. If you don’t know what step to take, just take the next best step. God is a good Father, who works all things together for our good. We can’t let the fear of making the wrong choice prevent us from being proactive. Fear is a powerful emotion, but ultimately, even if you get it wrong — you can still trust that God will ultimately set your path straight and work it together for your good and His glory.
Lastly, seek wise counsel [proverbs 12:15]. If you don’t have a mentor, seek out a Pastor or wise friend or family member. Tell them your circumstance and your plans; ask them to pray for you and with you. Usually, the situations that we don’t want to ask for advice with, are the ones we need it the most. Sometimes we are afraid we will hear an answer we don’t want, but we need to have courage & be open, as it can save us so much heartache and pain.
So then, I leave you with this: know that you know that you know you are loved by a God who sees you and is for you. So no matter what you’re facing, no matter which step you take, even if you are walking in the unknown — He’s got you.