Weekend Recap

B428B682-F2F5-4A07-9228-940DAA3E1E53This sweater is so cozy. I think I got it from… I wanna say TJ Maxx or somewhere… like two years ago. Boots and jeggings are from Target. As is half of my wardrobe, because I go in for something random like batteries and come out with all.the.things.


I know it’s, er, Wednesday now, but here’s a recap of our weekend!

Last week was crazy busy for us. It was hectic, but we accomplished a lot and that always feels so good! But by the time the weekend came, we were all in need of a little sunshine & fresh air. So we went on a little family outing to Laguna Beach (always our favorite). Laguna is a charming, artsy beach town about 10-15 minutes north of where we live. We stopped in to Urth Caffe for lunch, then got some coffee and walked along the beach towards a little playground for Evie to play. While we were there a whale swam up right next to the shore! It was amazing. I couldn’t believe how close to shore it swam. It definitely further solidified my fear of swimming in the ocean though! But I loved how everyone just stopped what they were doing to watch it. I love how a sight like that brings people together in wonderment.

Hope you enjoyed your weekend, and were able to find time to get outside with the ones you love!


With Love,


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Evie kept saying “Whale Mommy! Whale!”

Processed with VSCO with b5 presetNo weekend is complete without a little rest & relaxation. Love sneaking out to our deck when I can during nap time for some coffee & reading. This book is so good, and so empowering!

Cora, all ready for church! Oh, and it’s a foot shadow, I promise ;)

IMG_0215This guy is seriously super dad. Love him so much!

Whole Herb Roasted Chicken With Vegetables


This meal. So good. I’m salivating just editing this post. Truth: I’ve never roasted a whole chicken before this. I’m not sure why, but cooking whole animals kind of intimidates me. But, chicken & vegetables are a staple in our house and I’m always trying to come up with new ways of making it so we don’t get too sick of eating the same thing all the time! Enter in this recipe. I made this last week and we loved it. I have a huge rosemary bush growing in our backyard too, so I’m always using it in recipes! The chicken was flavorful & moist, and the vegetables complemented it perfectly. It’s healthy (whole 30 compliant/paleo), simple, and delicious. We had plenty of leftovers, and this meal is very budget friendly! Buying whole chickens is (typically) much more economical than buying cuts of meat! So it’s a win, win.

This is also a great meal to make when you have company. You can prepare it, and while it’s roasting you can clean up and get ready for your guests. Not to mention that it looks beautiful when done, and we all know presentation is everything!

There is something so special about gathering around a yummy meal with your loved ones. So savor & enjoy.








Ready to go in the oven!




Whole Herb Roasted Chicken With Vegetables

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour, 40 minutes

Serving Size: 4


  • 1 4-5 lbs Whole Chicken

  • 8-10 Red Potatoes

  • 1 White Onion

  • 1.5-2 Cups Baby Carrots

  • 2 Teaspoons Thyme

  • 1-2 Tablespoons Olive Oil

  • Freshly Ground Salt & Pepper

  • 2 Teaspoon Minced Garlic

  • 1 Lemon

  • 5 Tablespoons Ghee (or sub melted grassfed butter)

  • 1-2 Teaspoons Lemon Zest

  • 1/4 Cup Freshly Chopped Rosemary

  • Freshly Ground Sea Salt & Pepper

  • A Few Sprigs Fresh Rosemary


  1. Preheat Oven to 400 F.

  2. Chop your potatoes & onions, setting aside 1/4 of the chopped onion for stuffing the chicken. Then add the potatoes, 3/4 of the chopped onion, and baby carrots to large casserole dish or roasting pan.

  3. In pan, toss vegetables with the olive oil, one teaspoon of the minced garlic, thyme, and a generous amount of sea salt & pepper.

  4. Rinse (removing innards from cavity) and pat dry chicken. Set aside.

  5. Mix your ghee (or melted butter) with your chopped rosemary, lemon zest, the remaining teaspoon of minced garlic, and freshly ground salt & pepper.

  6. Rub herb butter mixture all over the chicken, including the inside cavity. Sprinkle with a little extra salt & pepper all over (again, including the inside cavity). Place in roasting pan, breast side up, and arrange vegetables around it.

  7. Slice your lemon & squeeze it over the chicken & vegetables. Put half of the lemon in the cavity of the chicken, with 1/4 of the chopped onion, and a sprig or two of fresh rosemary. Mix the remaining lemon slices in with your vegetables.

  8. Place another sprig of rosemary on top, and put in center rack of oven for roasting.

  9. Roast 30 minutes. Then flip the chicken, and roast another 30 minutes. Then, flip back to breast side up, and roast a final 20-30 minutes or until chicken is cooked through (reaching approx 165F). Serve & Enjoy!

Cora Beth is three months!

Can’t believe our sweet baby Cora Beth is already three months! With baby #2 I am even more aware of how fast it all goes, and am really trying to savor every moment! Though most of the time life feels like such a whirlwind so it can be challenging!
She has her daddy’s beautiful blue eyes, and an infectious smile just like her big sister. She is sleeping great, and finally starting to nurse well (we had some issues at first). She’s still a little tiny peanut though, barely weighing 12 lbs! She loves to be held & sang to, and already loves playing with her big sister. The two of them together melt my heart like no other and I feel so blessed to be their mama!

Sometimes I still can’t believe I’m a mother of two. Whoa. Life is moving at lightning speed and I’m just trying to keep up! Even on the hard, crazy days I am so thankful for this family I have been given. God is good!

Let’s all snuggle our babes a little tighter, and pray they don’t grow up too fast ;)


With Love,



Mother's Day 2016

  I had a really great Mother’s Day with my sweet family! Started off with a powerful service at our church, which is always my favorite way to start the day. Then we headed off to lunch together and went to the mall to walk around & shop a little. ANNNDD I totally got pooped on while nursing Cora, and had to walk around with poop on my dress while we were out! Once upon a time that would’ve really grossed me out, but now I’m like “Whatever!” Haha! #momlife. Wouldn’t trade it for anything!
Then we managed to get both girls to nap, so we dipped into this little Parisian inspired Cafe & Crepe shop for a little dessert (we split a banana & nutella crepe topped with ice cream… so good!) and some cappuccinos. I haven’t been eating any refined/processed sugar for the last six weeks so this was a special treat. And it reminded me how much I love chocolate. And ice cream. And dessert, in general.

It was a nice little afternoon outing. Being together is my favorite. I love these three so much and can’t believe their mine! What a blessing.

I hope all you mamas out there had a beautiful day, and felt loved & celebrated!
With love,


Date Night

Last night was one of those fun, laugh-till-you-cry date nights with two of our dear friends that was just so good for my soul. Sometimes I just need a night to wear real clothes (gotta give my yoga pants a rest every now and again ;)), get dolled up, and have a night out to feel young & carefree for a few hours!
It got me thinking about friendship & community, and how very important it is to have a few good friends that you “do” life with. We are so blessed to live (literally) next door to some of our favorite people, and we so cherish our time together. I went through many seasons of life feeling lonely & isolated, longing to find a tribe, and now I feel like God has just totally blessed us with such an amazing church & church family to live in community with. It is truly such answered prayer and it is something I do not take for granted.

Praying for all the someone’s somewhere that are longing for friendship & belonging… may you be blessed with deep, intentional friendship and a tribe of your own.


