Weekend Recap

B428B682-F2F5-4A07-9228-940DAA3E1E53This sweater is so cozy. I think I got it from… I wanna say TJ Maxx or somewhere… like two years ago. Boots and jeggings are from Target. As is half of my wardrobe, because I go in for something random like batteries and come out with all.the.things.


I know it’s, er, Wednesday now, but here’s a recap of our weekend!

Last week was crazy busy for us. It was hectic, but we accomplished a lot and that always feels so good! But by the time the weekend came, we were all in need of a little sunshine & fresh air. So we went on a little family outing to Laguna Beach (always our favorite). Laguna is a charming, artsy beach town about 10-15 minutes north of where we live. We stopped in to Urth Caffe for lunch, then got some coffee and walked along the beach towards a little playground for Evie to play. While we were there a whale swam up right next to the shore! It was amazing. I couldn’t believe how close to shore it swam. It definitely further solidified my fear of swimming in the ocean though! But I loved how everyone just stopped what they were doing to watch it. I love how a sight like that brings people together in wonderment.

Hope you enjoyed your weekend, and were able to find time to get outside with the ones you love!


With Love,


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Evie kept saying “Whale Mommy! Whale!”

Processed with VSCO with b5 presetNo weekend is complete without a little rest & relaxation. Love sneaking out to our deck when I can during nap time for some coffee & reading. This book is so good, and so empowering!

Cora, all ready for church! Oh, and it’s a foot shadow, I promise ;)

IMG_0215This guy is seriously super dad. Love him so much!