Cora Beth is three months!
Can’t believe our sweet baby Cora Beth is already three months! With baby #2 I am even more aware of how fast it all goes, and am really trying to savor every moment! Though most of the time life feels like such a whirlwind so it can be challenging!
She has her daddy’s beautiful blue eyes, and an infectious smile just like her big sister. She is sleeping great, and finally starting to nurse well (we had some issues at first). She’s still a little tiny peanut though, barely weighing 12 lbs! She loves to be held & sang to, and already loves playing with her big sister. The two of them together melt my heart like no other and I feel so blessed to be their mama!
Sometimes I still can’t believe I’m a mother of two. Whoa. Life is moving at lightning speed and I’m just trying to keep up! Even on the hard, crazy days I am so thankful for this family I have been given. God is good!
Let’s all snuggle our babes a little tighter, and pray they don’t grow up too fast ;)
With Love,