Baby Girl #2!


Our sweet little Eveleigh is going to be a big sister! We are so excited to welcome baby GIRL #2 in early February. My due date is actually February 5th, the day before Eveleigh’s 2nd birthday. So they will be exactly two years apart and will probably resent it because that means shared birthday parties forever! ;) We’re so excited to have another little girl though. They are going to be so adorable together, I don’t how I’m even going to handle it! I know Eveleigh is going to be such a great big sister!
I’m 19 weeks along and am just finally starting to feel better. Growing a human is really really exhausting. Especially when chasing around an active toddler! In the heat of summer! Ahhh! It is beautiful and such a blessing, but honestly I’m looking forward to meeting this baby & not being pregnant anymore! Already almost halfway there…  <3


Eveleigh's First Birthday!

My sweet little Eveleigh is ONE YEARS OLD today! Oh my word! I can’t even believe it. I can’t believe it’s been a year, and yet I also can’t imagine a time without her in our lives. She has brought more joy to us than I ever could’ve dreamed of.
She is my little ray of sunshine. When we were pregnant we prayed over her that she would be a light in this world. And God has answered our prayers because she is so full of light & contagious joy, spreading it to everyone she encounters. When we go out to the park or even just the grocery store, she waves & smiles & giggles at everyone she meets. She is always making new friends, and sometimes forces this introverted mama out of her shell.

She is walking, curious about everything, and babbling all day long. I try not to be offended that her favorite word right now is “Da Da.” She is full of little pony tricks: waving, blowing kisses, clapping, high fiving, signing more, giving hugs & kisses, and even “pound it.” Whenever she does one of these she is so proud of herself that she immediately claps afterwords. It is too cute.

She loves to eat. Especially whatever you’re eating. She will definitely want some. Bananas are her favorite, and if she even spots someone eating one she will surely want one.

Her favorite thing is going on the swings at the park. She laughs and laughs the whole time. Like literally. She loves to be outside, and to be out & about around people. She is truly an extroverted little one!

I am going to miss her in her baby stages, but looking forward to this next year with her as a Toddler and all the fun that lies ahead! I am one truly blessed mama! I thank God for her every single day!

The Lie of Perfectionism.

Our perfectionist ways keep us distracted. Keep us from doing and being all that God has called us to. They hold us in bondage and keep us from experiencing the freedom & acceptance that God offers.

I’m not quite sure where it began in me. Having older siblings, I would often watch them, observing them. I would see them make mistakes, getting in trouble & getting grounded. I would learn from them and know what not to do. I have a sensitive heart and a need to please people. I remember one time, I was maybe five years old, my dad was cooking baked beans on the stove. The handle was pointed out, and I bumped it when walking past. I accidentally knocked the beans off the stove, and they spilled all over the floor. I immediately began to cry. I made a mistake. I failed. I couldn’t bear to upset him. To have him be angry with me.

I went about much of my life that way. Wanting to please people. Wanting to achieve. Pushing myself to be better. Always expecting more. “Good better best, never let is rest, until the good is better and the better is the best.”


What an unfulfilling way to live. You become a slave. While personal development and growth isn’t a bad thing, it can get twisted into something that only hurts us.

This perfectionism mindset ultimately stems from fear. Fear that we aren’t enough, fear of what people will think, fear of the future, fear that we don’t matter. It can lead to a lot of negative self-talk and anxiety. The enemy has us right where he wants us.

So, everyday, I choose to not fear. To not worry about what people think of me. To not fear failure. I give up pursuing perfection and instead pursue Jesus. I lay it all down at His feet and allow God’s perfect love to cast out all fear.

I will no longer live in bondage. I break the agreement that I am not enough as I am, and I accept the beautiful freedom that Christ offers.

“You drown my fears in perfect love,
You rescued me and I will stand and say,
I AM A CHILD OF GOD.” – No Longer Slaves, by Bethel



2014 was simultaneously one of the best years of my life, while also being one of the hardest. For some reason I decided it was a good idea to have a baby, take in two teenagers, and start two small businesses all at the same time. It seems in my life I am either overwhelmed or underwhelmed, but I can never seem to find that perfect balance of the two.

One night I was laying in bed, unable to fall asleep. It was past midnight and I was getting angrily tired. Frustrated by my brains inability to shut off. Anxiety creeping in. Suddenly I feel a nudging in my spirit to go downstairs and get my  bible. Nope. No way. Not doing that. It’s late. I’m exhausted. I need to go to sleep. Just go. No.

I decide to meet in the middle and so I reach for my phone to go to my bible app. Suddenly I know that God wants me to read the verse of the day. And before I even see it I know in my heart exactly which verse it would be.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” -Jeremiah 29:11

Sure enough. I look and there it is. And I just smile to myself. Because God knew I needed that reminder. And He wants me to trust Him.  

And so…  though I don’t know what the future holds, I am choosing to trust.

A Trip To The Pumpkin Patch

                  ^^Possibly my favorite picture EVER! That face!^^

We took Eveleigh to the pumpkin patch on Saturday, and if you can’t tell from the photos, she absolutely loved it! I can’t believe it’s already Fall & we are heading into the Holiday season! I am so excited for the Holidays this year with Little Eveleigh. It’s just so much fun!

Everything is going by so fast so just trying to enjoy these precious moments. Eveleigh has developed so much in just the last 6 weeks alone! She is crawling, waving, high-fiving, giving kisses, and clapping! So many new skills and she loves practicing them. AND she grew an entire inch in just one week, and is looking more grown up every day!