Eveleigh's First Birthday!
My sweet little Eveleigh is ONE YEARS OLD today! Oh my word! I can’t even believe it. I can’t believe it’s been a year, and yet I also can’t imagine a time without her in our lives. She has brought more joy to us than I ever could’ve dreamed of.
She is my little ray of sunshine. When we were pregnant we prayed over her that she would be a light in this world. And God has answered our prayers because she is so full of light & contagious joy, spreading it to everyone she encounters. When we go out to the park or even just the grocery store, she waves & smiles & giggles at everyone she meets. She is always making new friends, and sometimes forces this introverted mama out of her shell.
She is walking, curious about everything, and babbling all day long. I try not to be offended that her favorite word right now is “Da Da.” She is full of little pony tricks: waving, blowing kisses, clapping, high fiving, signing more, giving hugs & kisses, and even “pound it.” Whenever she does one of these she is so proud of herself that she immediately claps afterwords. It is too cute.
She loves to eat. Especially whatever you’re eating. She will definitely want some. Bananas are her favorite, and if she even spots someone eating one she will surely want one.
Her favorite thing is going on the swings at the park. She laughs and laughs the whole time. Like literally. She loves to be outside, and to be out & about around people. She is truly an extroverted little one!
I am going to miss her in her baby stages, but looking forward to this next year with her as a Toddler and all the fun that lies ahead! I am one truly blessed mama! I thank God for her every single day!