Whole 30 Challenge
/Today is day 13 of Ryan and I’s very first Whole 30 challenge. I’m pretty sure I went through all 5 stages of grief, but am now (finally!) accepting and embracing it! It’s funny, I always thought I ate pretty healthy, until we cut out all the unhealthy stuff and I realized how badly I wanted it. When we were on our vacation in Yosemite & San Francisco I thought about all the terrible food I would consume and justify it because we’re on vacation. All the ice cream, chips, and junk food. It’s just like road trips and junk food were made for each other! That week was definitely the hardest. Not to mention it was our first week. I begged to start Whole 30 when we got back from our trip but Ryan really insisted we start June 1st so we could do it with a group of friends who were all starting that day. But it was definitely challenging to eat well on the road!
Looking back I am so glad we did start when we did. It helped train me to make good choices even when we’re not at home. That I need to eat healthy and be cognizant of what I’m putting into my body even while traveling. That there are healthy options out there that still taste great and won’t leave me feeling sluggish, it just requires a little more effort!
I’m definitely still eating crazy huge portion sizes due to nursing though. But it’s bigger portions of healthier food, so it’s better for me and therefore better for the baby too. I have to make sure to consume enough calories to keep my supply up, and so far it has not been an issue. I’ve cut my workouts down to twice a week, which helps it not be too extreme. So overall I feel good about it!
One thing I’ve noticed is how many products at the grocery store contain added sugar! It’s insane. Lunch meats, salsas, pasta sauce, breakfast foods, etc. This challenge has definitely enlightened me to the importance of checking food labels. Unfortunately it takes me twice as long at the grocery store… but I think it’s definitely worth it!
Almost halfway there! Hoping to finish strong! :)