Gallery Wall

I’ve pretty much always wanted a gallery wall in every place we’ve ever lived. But I knew it would be a big project, taking both time & money. When we recently moved into our new place, we decided to go for it. A gallery wall would be perfect for the wall behind our couch, and would add interest to the space. So we started googling ideas and tried to nail down what what look we wanted (which took some time). We decided to go with white frames and to add a few “intrigue” pieces to add depth. We headed over to ikea and purchased several assorted frames, and then from there we searched for the other pieces. We found the block letters at Anthropology, and the beveled mirror at Target.

Then we moved on to the daunting task of arranging and rearranging the pieces into a shape that we both liked. We must’ve sat on our living room floor for 2+ hours trying to figure it out. Once we finally got an arrangement we liked, it was time to hang. God bless my sweet husband. That was quite the task and he handled it well.

We filled the frames with some pieces we made ourselves, some we bought, and some we found online. Ryan designed a print for our wedding vows, which we now have up in the two smaller frames.

It was a big project, but we love how it turned out and think it was worth the hard work! ♥

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