Created to Create: Embracing Your Inner Artist



Earlier this week I went to a creative gathering for our church and it really fed my soul. I believe the church is a beautiful breeding ground for creativity, and that when we as the church embrace creativity & the arts, God is truly glorified.

God is the ultimate creator. The ultimate artist. And WE are made in HIS image, meaning we are all creatives.

We are not only works of art, but artists ourselves.

And God lives in us and works through us – giving us access & the ability to tap into supernatural creativity.

I believe it is woven into the fabric of our beings to create. I believe creating helps us to live life F U L L Y & A B U N T A N T L Y. It helps us to be in tune and in alignment with our Creator. I believe that we are designed to pursue a creative, art filled life.

And when you embrace your creative spirit, everything becomes not only a work of art but an act of creative worship. Whether it’s a painting, a poem, a song, a dance – or simply the way you cook for your family, make up games with your children, journal about your day, decorate your home, engage in intentional conversation, or take a picture of the sunset.

Live life beautifully, creatively, and in tune with the artist that lives within you. Break agreement with the lie that you aren’t creative. That you aren’t an artist.  Make space and room in your life to allow creativity to flow freely. Let us not be so lost in the mundane of the day to day that we lose opportunities to create. Let us allow ourselves to fail, to experiment, try new things, and to take risks. Let us be pushed into realms of creativity within ourselves that we didn’t even know existed.

And so, my creative friends, let me leave you with a few practical steps to help foster creativity within you…

1.) Make time for things that inspire you. Maybe it’s going to a museum, seeing a great film, watching the sunset, or listening to a new record. Do something that feeds you, and then try to set aside time after to journal or reflect upon how it felt and any ideas/thoughts it may have spawned.

2.) Do “free flow” writing… sit and write and just see what comes out. Don’t think. Don’t edit. Don’t force it. Just let it flow. Some days it might be nothing, but some days it may turn into something truly beautiful.

3.) Don’t compare. Comparison is the thief of joy. You can’t get started on your creative journey and give up because you are not immediately where you want to be. And if you compare your work to other people’s work, you may give up prematurely and not allow yourself the space & time you need to grow.

Now go and unleash your creativity and make the world a more beautiful, inspiring place!

In love,
