Our trip to the pumpkin patch!

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Well, I’m about a month late but decided to finally blog our trip to the Pumpkin Patch! Ha! This whole work-at-home mom thing is a doozy sometimes! I’m still trying to learn the whole time management thing!

It was such a sweet day though. Eveleigh was SO excited to see & pet all the animals at the petting zoo. And her joy is my joy. It makes my mama heart so happy to see her light up like that!

Life lately has been so insanely full, but in the best way! I’m trying my best to take little moments amidst the chaos to enjoy this season as well. And my favorite days are the days where all four of us are together… I live for those moments!! Any time we all go out together, Evie says “Mama, we going on an adventure!!” Why yes, sweet girl, we sure are! When you have a toddler & baby even grocery shopping and errands become an adventure!

I hope you and yours are taking time to make memories & go on adventures together this Fall season! <3

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