The Narrow Path


It was over a year ago now, we were exploring and hiking in Iceland with our best friends. We had planned and saved and made our way there, excited to be experiencing a new place together. We had heard about this “hidden” hot pool in the middle of the mountains and were ready for our first little expedition to find it. Our online research said it would be an easy 15-minute walk there, a simple trail for all levels of hikers.

It was not easy, nor was it 15 minutes. It turns out, the usual path by the river was inaccessible. So we had to take this narrow, wet slippery path on the side of the mountain. Just to get to the path, we had to climb rocks and cross over a freezing cold creek. How do I know it was freezing cold? Well, I happened to slip on the way across and my right foot fully submerged in the water. I walked the rest of the way in windy, cold temperatures with a soaked foot. It’s a wonder I didn’t get frostbite, to be honest.

Ryan walked ahead of me on the path, barely more than a foot wide, as I slowly trailed behind. I was intently focused on not imagining myself slipping and falling to my death: I was only vaguely successful.

But little by little, one foot in front of the other, we made it to the pool. We changed in a small, cold outhouse and hopped in the water. The pool was definitely not hot and barely even warm… but there was this one warm spot where we all huddled together and took in the view. There we were, in a pool, in the middle of the mountains in Iceland. Together. Fully Alive. It was nearing 10 p.m., the sun was just starting to go down and the weather had cleared, revealing a beautiful blue and orange sky.

It was a night I will never forget.

And I find that’s usually the case with an adventure. It’s the ones that are hard and long and imperfect that actually make the most impact on us. The harder the road to get there, the sweeter the view seems to be.

Sometimes we play it safe and take the easy way, but it’s often the dangerous, riskier paths that make for the best stories and leave a lasting impression. Those experiences that connect us deeper to ourselves and the people around us. That makes us better, stronger, more daring. That reminds us courage sometimes means being afraid, but doing it anyway. Those experiences that help us push past our fears and limits and believe that if we just take it little by little, one step at a time, we can get where we want to go.

And wow, is it worth it.