Still No Bébé.
/Well, I am still pregnant. 40 weeks + 2 days pregnant, to be exact. I know she will be here soon, so I can hang in there a little while longer. I am, however, hoping for a natural birth with no interventions, so I’m praying she comes soon so that I do not have to be induced. At my next appointment on Monday (if she doesn’t come before then) they will want to schedule an induction before I reach the 42 week mark. Of course, while not ideal, If I have to induce for her or my safety I am willing. My number one priority is healthy baby & healthy mama. I’ve been trying every old wives tale out there to try to help things progress naturally. I’m pretty sure none of them work unless you are about to go into labor anyways, but I figure it’s worth a shot!
Here’s hoping my next post is a birth announcement! Until then…