Mmm...Sweet Potato Soup

I pretty much love sweet potato anything – but this soup is one of my favorites. I also love the fact that sweet potatoes are extremely good for you and are budget friendly. This soup is great as a first dish or can be served with salad and breadsticks for a complete meal. See below for the instructions.

What You’ll Need:

-2 Medium Sized Sweet Potatoes         

-1 Medium Onion

-4 Cups Vegetable Broth

-¾ cup Half and Half

-Salt & Pepper

-Lemon Juice



Peel and dice the sweet potatoes and onion. Combine vegetable broth, sweet potatoes, and onion in large pot and bring to boil. Then reduce heat, cover, and let cook for 25-30 minutes. Then blend in a blender (slowly, in batches) and transfer back to pot. Stir in half and half. Add salt, pepper, lemon juice, and nutmeg to taste. Serve and enjoy!