A little visit from Auntie Lu & Uncle Justin
/One of the wonderful bonuses of having a baby is that your out-of-town family comes to visit you & meet your new little one. A week after Eveleigh was born my brother & sister-in-law came out to stay with us for a few days. We always have the best time hanging out with them. Tons of laughter, little adventures, and great conversations. Since they were here on Valentines day we took them to our favorite spot in Laguna Beach for a sunset picnic. It was so beautiful, loved getting to share that with them.
Eveleigh already misses her Auntie & Uncle so much. She misses her nice long naps on Auntie Lu’s chest every morning… Just so sweet. So glad they got to see her during her sleepy snuggly newborn stage.
After that we had Ryan’s brother Josh come and visit (post of our zoo adventure soon to come). And in a few weeks we have the rest of Ryan’s family coming out! Then little Eveleigh just needs to start meeting my side of the family!
Little Love.
/This last month with our little Eveleigh has been so magical. We are so in love with her and feel so blessed to have her. I love this snuggly newborn stage so much. I’m pretty sure there is nothing better than a little baby sleeping on your chest. Sleepy mornings with her and daddy are definitely my favorite, which means a lot as I am not a morning person. But there is just something about that time together before the rush of the day begins that is so special.
It’s a little mind boggling how big she has grown since I shot these newborn pictures! I can’t really handle it. I look forward to each new stage, but I also really want her to stay tiny forever. Gah!
41 Weeks.
/Well, there is still no baby around these parts. Tomorrow I’ll officially be 41 weeks pregnant. I know, I know, they come when they’re ready, yada yada yada. It’s still hard to wait. And wait. And wait. Some days are good, others are… not so good, to say the least. I decided to go ahead and make fun of my crazy pregnant self, and document this time.
10 of my Pregnancy Quirks:
1. I pee at least once every 45 minutes. Sometimes two or three times. Regardless of how much I have to drink.
2. I may start crying at any possible moment. Good, bad, happy, sad… it really doesn’t matter. And I will probably have no idea why I am crying.
3. Being pregnant has definitely made my need to compulsively clean things a lot worse.
4. My sleep pattern is as follows: lay down, try to fall asleep for 30+ minutes, finally start to doze off, wake up 15 minutes later to go pee. Repeat process throughout the entire night.
5. Every ache, pain, contraction… “Am I about to go into labor?” Disappointment when nothing happens.
6. Lots of walks, every day. Usually the best part of my day.
7. Nodding and smiling every time someone gives me a tip on how to start labor. Thinking “Yep, tried that. Nothing. Tried that too, and nothing. "
8. Trying to put on my shoes. It’s definitely a challenge. Big ol’ belly getting in my way and all…
9. Practically doing yoga in the shower to shave my legs.
10. Being really hungry. All the time.
Even though I joke about all of these little preggo quirks, I still feel very blessed to be able to carry a child and to have had a healthy pregnancy. One way or another, she’ll be in our arms by the end of the week. ♥